Monday, 11 March 2013

29th January 2013
11:52 a.m.

Rummaging through my old books, I found a handwritten note, a short piece of verse describing my mental state. I must have been so out of place that this crumpled sheet is a proof of. Now yellowed and crunched up, it had to bear with my emotional stress. How a very small thing as this could bring a feeling which could set a thin curve on your face. How easily it can make you relive that moment of being silly, no wonder reminiscence makes you take a birth again. It brings back the beauty, the bitterness, the happiness, the sorrow and it almost feels like a new life because you had all forgotten about it. It had been all buried dead and deep so long ago, but now it feels like you lived through them and you want to all over again. A little currency note secluded in an old book has the most intriguing quality of bringing that twinkle in your eye. It isn’t the money which brings joy but reminiscence. It bears with it millions of memories which you feel so overjoyed to share with that tiny note. It has been an active witness of your life’s precious moment when you were small and a two rupee note which mother gave you, you decided to save it of forgot to spend it or gave it to be a companion of reminiscence.

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