Sunday, 17 March 2013


Sometimes it feels your life is like a painting, only different at different times. Sometimes it’s as easy as a simple, hut and tree drawing by a five year old, sometimes it is a little more varied in style what a teen would draw in love and other times its all abstract and you try hard to find the meaning hidden beneath the beautiful textures. It can also be plain and boring like a white coloured wall, but the same wall may bring in a lot of peace and serenity when your insides seem to be revolting
Shades of black and brown may keep coming and going through the patterns of life but a hint of a little blue or green of life make all the difference. The whole time you try to figure out the best colour to complete your painting when that colour had always been around. You just don’t realise it until the incomplete painting begins to wither away and you hit reality. You want to complete it anyhow, you have to make it work, your difference between a need and a want is so clear now and now you NEED that colour only to make it picture perfect!!

Monday, 11 March 2013

                                   My Love
Far away on a tree, a bird is trying to say something, what does she want or is it singing its happy song? The tree seems to be enjoying the melodious rhythm and the nature is so happy to comply. The light breeze kisses my cheeks and I feel my heart stop for a nanosecond. How effortless it is to fall in love with nature. The new leaves bearing the lightest shades of green, the tall trees standing protectively, the light sound of water in the stream sounding like music to the longing soul and the mild, warm sun which makes every tiny part relax and you feel you have reborn on earth. The animated chatter of the kids somewhere makes you relive those naughty moments of your childhood. Running away from home out in the fields to play with your companies for the life, to climb those ever obliging tree branches, dancing madly to any song which comes to your mind, chasing the poor kitty your neighbour has and always having that carefree face and mind. It all seems so unknown now, as if you never lived any of those days, like you were never born or were born old enough to never have spent those minutes of craziness. Almost like a previous birth when you were all happy without worries, when the world seemed to be a better, no best place to live in, sneaking hot muffins from your mother’s kitchen and sharing the bits with friends, ohh how much you miss all of it now that you’ve grown past that time.

As I think over the past, some bitter memories come rushing too sticking with the good ones, almost like inseparable as if the goodness is starting to get bitter too. The poison will soon spread and then all you’ll be left with is more bitterness to come. I try to shake my head so I shake the unhappy moments away and surprisingly it works. Far away I can hear the sweet talk between two people, almost in love. I want to talk to the nature in the same manner. Will I get my answers? Or the beauty of it is again going to distract me for the good??  

29th January 2013
11:52 a.m.

Rummaging through my old books, I found a handwritten note, a short piece of verse describing my mental state. I must have been so out of place that this crumpled sheet is a proof of. Now yellowed and crunched up, it had to bear with my emotional stress. How a very small thing as this could bring a feeling which could set a thin curve on your face. How easily it can make you relive that moment of being silly, no wonder reminiscence makes you take a birth again. It brings back the beauty, the bitterness, the happiness, the sorrow and it almost feels like a new life because you had all forgotten about it. It had been all buried dead and deep so long ago, but now it feels like you lived through them and you want to all over again. A little currency note secluded in an old book has the most intriguing quality of bringing that twinkle in your eye. It isn’t the money which brings joy but reminiscence. It bears with it millions of memories which you feel so overjoyed to share with that tiny note. It has been an active witness of your life’s precious moment when you were small and a two rupee note which mother gave you, you decided to save it of forgot to spend it or gave it to be a companion of reminiscence.

30th January 2013
9:47 a.m.
Simple Things
Walking barefoot on the soft grass makes one realise how simple things in life can bring so much contentment. Sitting under the rich shade of a tree and looking as far as the sight goes or just watching that little bird perched smoothly on a branch can take you on a journey to some other world where tranquillity is what you are rewarded with, where lying down in a meadow seems the most apt thing to do, where you never tire out and a new unknown energy revitalises you bringing that lovely glow on your face. That beautiful smile refuses to leave and nature makes you love it again and again. The so pretty and fragile petals when fall over your eyes, they seem to say a friendly hello and you respond with that brightness in your soulful eyes. The light breeze enwraps you in its embrace and your rest your head on its chest getting lost in the beautiful moment. You talk and the nature responds and you wonder how simple it is to be happy, but so difficult to be simple.